A million-dollar question that has many known measures, few takers and even fewer people with the will to go through it. It is common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health and can get only worse if you continue with this habit. Yet, the number of smokers doesn’t seem to come down. Medical institutions keep coming across health issues involving smoking addiction at all times. No amount of awareness programs and a hike in the price of cigarette packs deters its patrons from getting their daily fix. This makes one wonder why this phenomenon is so prevalent among so many people across the globe. Here’s why – Cigarettes contain many harmful chemicals that can harm your body and degrade your health over time. Nicotine in particular is the main cause of this addiction that has led to an insurmountable number of deaths and health issues across the globe.

Nicotine has a particular effect on our brain receptors which relieves us from any form of anxiety and makes us feel better in an instant. It is a form of stress reliever that works its magic on the smoker without any major effort. It becomes a form of coping mechanism which many rely on to relieve themselves from any form of negative emotions, anxiety, and stress. Yet, this is only a short-term solution which will only lead you to death and a whole world of health issues to deal with. Granted, it’s not easy to break the chain of smoking addiction overnight. However, it is doable with a little bit of resolve and patience. Here are a few simple tips for smokers to follow if they wish to kick the butt.
- Find your motivation: Do it for your family and loved ones.
- Try going cold turkey: Measure your willpower against your craving.
- Nicotine replacement therapy: Transdermal patches with nicotine will help reduce your cravings over 2-3 months.
- Prescription drugs: You can take medications that can subside any other side effects of not smoking.
- Take help from family and friends: There is no shame in asking your family and friends to intervene or help you with the process.
- Develop a hobby: find something you like to do to keep you occupied.
- Avoid triggers such as alcohol: Avoid alcohol even if you drink moderately. Smoking and alcohol go hand-in-hand.
- Take part in family activities: Engage more with your family and friends. Don’t stay alone.
- Exercise: Develop healthy habits. Find some form of physical exercise you like doing.
- Eat healthily: Good food habits will drive you to eat better and live better.
- Incentivise: Consider the money you will save when you stop smoking. Given how expensive cigarettes are these days, it's a good solution.
- Try again: It's okay if you fail the first time. You are in the right direction if you are already determined to fix it.
While there is no single definitive way to go about this, following at least some of these steps will definitely help over time. Only persistence, willpower, and patience will help you in your struggle to kick the butt.